Eco Glossary

100% Organic Cotton
To be considered 100 percent organic, cotton must be “certified by a third party (such as the USDA), following strict guidelines for growing the fiber, using no disallowed synthetic chemicals.


A textile made from the pulp of the fast growing bamboo plant that’s soft, highly water absorbent, and anti-bacterial.

Fair Trade

Fair trade companies look at more than just the bottom line. They look at development as a whole and create more of a partnershi with suppliers, which makes for a fairer exchange system where workers get paid fair wages and work under good conditions.


A strong fabric swen from the fibers of the fast growing cannabis plant (a variety that contains virtually no THC, the active ingredient in marijuana).


Material that’s been reprocessed at the end of its life into something new and useful.


Describes a product created by a process that can continue indefinately without causing environmental destruction or usurping resources.

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